
Studies in Ethics


On the Ecological Ethic Outlooks of the Manchu Ethnic Group

  • Received:2014-09-24 Published:2015-01-28



  1. 1. 中南大学公共管理学院哲学系
    2. 中央民族大学马克思主义民族理论与政策研究院
  • 通讯作者: 陈永亮

Abstract: The ecological ethics is a series of moral norms, dealing with the relationship between the mankind itself and its surrounding environment. In contact with the nature, the mankind has suffered from the painful punishment and come to form a kind of conscious and unconscious awareness to the protection of Nature. The Manchu Ethnic Group forms its own norms towards the living environments in its developmental history. These norms are not only of practical significance for the construction of a harmonious society nowadays, but of the organic part of the thinking of the modern state governance as well.

Key words: the Manchu Ethnic Group, the Ecological Ethic outlooks, Practical Significance

摘要: 生态伦理是人类处理自身及其周围生存环境关系的一系列道德规范,是人类与自然接触过程中,受其惩罚,逐渐醒悟之后的一种自觉与不自觉的意识观念。满族是我国古老的一个民族,在其历史发展过程中形成了自己对于世界的行为规范。时至今日,这些规范对和谐社会之生态文明建设仍具有现实意义,也符合现代国家治理理念。

关键词: 满族, 生态伦理, 理念